Happy Anniversary



The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.

-Proverbs 16:4

Tonight I was reminded that it was my anniversary.  One year ago, I accidentally on purpose walked into the Wednesday night Bible study class. Accidentally on purpose? It was my accident and God’s purpose.

My friend, Jane, sent me a text asking if I wanted to attend a Lenten service, since she’d missed Sunday service at her Methodist church on Long Island. She knew I was a Christian and would I occasionally accepted invites to her church to watch her play the bells. I said yes. She said it was at the church down the block from the LGBT Center. Alright I said.

I arrived at the church shortly before 6:30 service, or so I thought, to meet her.  We entered the side entrance and were directed downstairs. We walked in and to our shock realized it was not a service, but a Bible study. We were immediately, as is COTV custom, made to feel welcome. So we stayed and enjoyed ourselves. We agreed to continue attending through Lent.  Obviously we kept attending long after Lent. And in October I officially and with pleasure became a member of the Church of the Village family.

Before last year Lent had no deep meaning to me. Now it does because it’s when I too began my journey back within God’s arms. Or as Pastor Vicki would say I made my pivot towards him.

So as I continue my Lenten journey I am reminded that there are no accidents, but it’s God’s divine direction for me.